Sunday, January 31, 2010

How did Jesus preach the gospel? What did Jesus use to draw men to Himself?

Examples of Jesus using fear to draw men to Himself. Vipers, who has warned you of the wrath to come. Religious, teachers, those who would wield the sword of the Lord for selfish means, is who Jesus had the harshest words for. Concern for the souls of people will draw them. Love will draw them. Living holy will draw them, but terror has driven many a soul from His presence and God will hold their souls in our account who used the Word of the God who is love to stab people and to castigate people into heaven. It is the devil who holds the pitchfork and it is the devil who accuses the brethren. Lift up the name and the works of Jesus, who would not come to a Christ who has sacrificed His life to pay for my sins. I am a wretch and I do not deserve His grace, but God has delivered me. See the love that God extends. Who would not run from the pitchfork gospel. Help us, Jesus. We are the Pharisees.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Goodness of God, leads to obedience.

So very many times, in a big family, we try to legislate obedience through might. We say, "you may not do this or that" and we preserve and separate the "because I said so" and "because I am bigger than you". This personal tyranny rules the day most of the time in the large family. We are essentially expressing darwinism in practice (survival of the fittest), when we perpetrate those offenses against our brethren. God is the only one, who is most mighty and most strong and yet, in gentleness; He wins us to see His way and to learn from Him and to listen to Him. With a word, He could conform us to His will and I think that He gave us the example of the angel's disobedience to show us His eternal love for His redeemed. He always had intention to bring us to Himself in communion and fellowship and yet He waits and cajoles and gives and draws and convicts and blesses and if we see Him in His goodness, there is no other response, but to obey Him. If we take His good blessings and fill our many lusts with them and they draw us away from Him, we are worse than the devils who at one disobedience were banished from His presence. Still He bids us to come to Him. There is a line that God draws. We don't know where it is. To obey is better than sacrifice. We would rather cling to our lusts and have our own way.
The devil told that partial truth, in that way to Eve. You will be like God, knowing good and evil. You will be able to see the wickedness of your ways and choose from good and evil and cling to that which you want, as God does. That is the personal sovereignty that we won in the fall.
God clings to His Holiness and to His love; if we can say that about Him, whose essence is love and Holiness. Yet, even in His intention, God is intentionally Holy as well as holy in His essence. God is intentionally Good as well as good in His essence and it should make us want to cling to Him. But we are lustful of His Sovereignty, so we let go of goodness and holiness and cling to the word "mine". When we are thus, we really cannot have confidence that we belong to Him. We must seek His face to repent and confess and have our brethren pray that we would be saved from our selfishness. That is the bessetting sin of the large family child. I am sovereign over everybody. I talk and the whole family moves. Dinnertime! See how powerful I am. We think and say.
Let us imitate God's humility and goodness and speak peacefully and lovingly to one another. Let us not be as Satan who clings to his sovereignty over his imps and demons. Let us be dilligent and intentional in obedience to God, which is the sign of imitation of the only true God.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We need God, but He bids us to want Him!

God is love!
God loves His church like nothing else on the earth. He is such a devoted creator and devoted defender of His people and devoted tender of all of creation, but He reserves His special love for those who are in the beloved.
It is hard to imagine. Jesus tried to explain that to us in that He said that he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist. If you can cast your weak soul upon the mercies of Christ and throw your lot in with the redeemed: if you can give up your self reliance for the grace which the Lord provides and participate in the "love of the brethren" You are partaking in the greatest treasure on the earth. There is nothing greater. Love that is touched deeply by the hand of God.
We cannot imagine such a thing.
God has called the church His bride upon the earth and has promised provision protection and fellowship with her on this earth, as long as earth shall last. We are raptured in His presence, whenever we gather to worship and praise the creator and redeemer of our souls.
Let Him lead us with the Word of God that is the only earthly revelation that He has given. Let Him direct us and come in His presence in the praises of His people. He is glorious to devise such a humble way to commune, on earth with his fallen creation.
Holy Ghost dispel our sadness, pierce the dawn of sinful night...Great distributor of grace, grant us thine illumination. Hear, o hear our supplications
It can only come when we embrace our identity as His bride, the church and gather expectantly.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

His Right hand is under my head!

My Lord is supporting and assisting my limp efforts at doing His will. How can I raise these children, Dear Lord? Where will I find strength to face a new day? This is bigger than me. He reminds me that His hand is supporting my efforts. His direction is the road and His hand is upon my feeble self. I am utterly inconsistent. I am impotent in power to direct another soul, much less 6 others. Yet they come like the puppies for milk and request, what about this and where is that and socks and clothes and friends and foes. What should I do? What should I think about this or that? Seek God, is all I can say. Follow where He leads you.
He loves me, even when I am without strength to love Him back. He gives us the assistance of brethren and His Church. I come, week by week, at the end of myself and seek power and assistance to face the next days.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

SOS 1, again

I find it interesting that God draws us out in interaction with Himself. He is complete in Himself. He is triune and needs not interact with anyone or anything, but there is a love interaction, that is imaged in the marriage; which is true between Christ and His worshipping Church. How can we be said to be a part of the redeemed, if we do not worship God with our lips? If we cannot pour upon Him, who alone is worthy words of adoration as a body of believers; what are we doing when we gather.
In SOS, there is clearly complimenting and extoling of the loving couple's attributes to one another.
It is just adorable, to see a young couple; whose eyes are still clouded so by love that they have not adjusted to the real picture of eachother. God created such love. A love that sees the purity and beauty of the other. God showers that type of love upon His church and when an intruder or invader comes to accuse Christ's church to the Father, our advocate rises in His love and casts down those accusation, in the beauty of a pure and chaste and driven love. He doesn't coddle sin and in His purity, He cleanses, but in the presence of the accuser, He defends.
Oh Love! God's pure and chaste Agape and Victorious Love to His Church can only be responded to, by glorious halleluia's and lavishing words of adoration upon His precious acceptance of us and defense of us on this earth.
He loves us individually and personally changes us from sinner into "the beloved". But, His real and true defense is for His Church.
"Who will lay anything to the charge of God's elect?..."

Our defense should be likewise. "For Her my tears shall fall...For Her my prayers ascend." When we pray, is it for the glory of God revealed in His Church? Or is it for our own devises and sandcastles upon the earth? Bless me and mine we pray and we are truly blessed. But how much more are we in communion with the continuous prayers of Christ in Heaven, when we are praying for the building of His Kingdom and for His members in particular.
"And unconstrained, His Homage Pay!"
On earth, for now, that is what we are striving for. To show our adoration to our Beloved, until the consummation of the age.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

God's Personal Commitment to protection and love is to His Church!

All of the promises that are yea and amen to the believer, are multiplied infinitely to the Body of Christ, the church. The expressions of love that God shows on the earth are not as much seen in the example of any one believer with Himself, although that is so. It is seen in the relationship of The Church with Christ. Christ is advocating for us with the father. Christ is giving us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He owns us in Christ, in fellowship with His body the church. I do not think that is emphasized enough. We are not fit to take on the principalities and powers in our own strength, even as a stalwart believer. When God gives the power, He gives it to His Church. When God dispenses protection, He does it in His Church for the taking over of the world's wicked imaginations to the submission to the glory of God. When we are singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord and "being filled with the spirit", Christ has made the commitment to subdue principalities under our feet. He is pleased to teach us the trusting and growing together with Him and in redemption.
The love expressed in the SOS is truly the image of God's supreme love and anticipation for the Church to be triumphant. When we take it upon ourselves to be little mirrors of that beauty by being married, we are just little images of the truth of what God is doing through Christ and His Church in the world. The dance of the loving interaction of God with man in the relationship of Christ and His Church. Christ clothes our spirits with righteousness and our relations with Himself, so that He sanctifies our time away from His intense presence and He is more present when we come together in worship. He gives us liberty to enjoy our creature comforts in the light of His love. He intensifies His expressions of His presence with us as we come to worship Him. Clothing upon our human relationships, that we are protected from our own sinful tendencies by the instruction of the Word of God and the hedges that put each relationship where it is supposed to be. Husband and wife is one relationship and there are rules, protecting that relationship. Sister and Brother and so on, we enjoy the beauty of the family relationship, in Christ with His blessing that we may richly enjoy the life on earth that God intended.
It seems clear, that there was no way to have those kinds of extended relationships in the garden, with the first perfect couple. Sanctified, is far more blessed, even, than perfect; as were our first parents. Redeemed and bought by the blood of Jesus, is clearly more to be desired, than to have been created in perfection. God had this plan laid out from the beginning of the creation, that the church would be the ground of blessed human relationships.