Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Am I my brother's keeper?

So many angry passions are born in a big family. "She took my and she did that to me..." Without the practice of forgiveness the children of the serpent would eat oneanother into extinction. This primate behavior, seems to be instigated with teenagers in Spring. Conflicts amount daily. Who is counting? Encourage one another? Build eachother up? How about starting with, not hitting? Not counting the conflicts? Bring the conflict to the table so that we can learn to govern and create a healthy and wholesome environment for everyone and not just the threateners. Love means saying, it is not always going to go my way. Love means deferring to oneanother. Love means, Be angry and do not sin. Love means we need a study in how to love oneanother in this most difficult period of life. Love is God's business. That is the reason why we hang onto Jesus and let Him direct us in this tumultuous business called family.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Ides is coming...

What to do to celebrate the Ides of March? Shall we celebrate with fried chicken and cornbread? Shall we celebrate with balloons and streamers? So many celebrations come in March. I am inquiring of my children what should we do on the 15th of the month. With any contributions from them, our celebration should be memorable.