Friday, May 28, 2010

Art Linkletter, an example of the power of the elders to breathe hope into a generation

It’s a world of laughter a world of tears, it’s a world of hopes and a world of fears, There’s so much that we share that its time we’re aware, it’s a small, small world. The elders that diminished the size of the earth for us, Art Linkletter did.
I can see in his eyes that he had a view of giving the earth to the next generation better than it was given to him. He had the eyes of a good conscience.
Pointing to hope, when there was war and hopelessness all around. He pointed to the possibility of growth and participation in the cleaning up of the earth. Thank God that he pointed to kids saying the 'Darnedest'.
He will be missed. But don't let us miss the message of building hope into our instructions.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life with Father1947 Life with Father

Roles of Male and Female, personified by characters of beauty and grace. Why do people choose to start and grow a family upon the earth? Do we give them a reason? Do we preserve the growth of such or have we paved the earth so much that there is no need for family and roles in relationships?
The reality that relationships have positives and negatives and that the stocks and bonds of the present and future seem to rise and fall on the commitments that are made in the homes of our nation. There are present day movies, but, I love the old movie and the picture of the balance of joy and struggle of the everyday life and love. Somebody must care for the garden and somebody must care for the souls. Do we remember that?
Is 2010 arguing with 1947 for the preeminence of the family in our earth? Will the earth find a way to preserve love and life? I think so. The Church has the key. Study and build your life on honoring your histories, under God.Life with Father

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Never, never, YELL at your husband!

I did yell and it took me 27 years to get to the point where I have loved my husband enough to trust him with my yelling. I don't condone it. But there is something precious about trusting eachother with the parts of your heart that no one else sees. There is forgiveness with God that He may be feared. God gives you one husband to love and let your yelling go other places and only when you can't take it anymore, if you have served and loved him for at least 27 years, if all else fails, even then. DON'T YELL AT YOUR HUSBAND!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Time to work on my floors.

Of course, my vaccuum is on the fritz, when I am ready to do my floors. I did a massive clean up of the vaccuum and still...
I am in a dilemma. One fine day, I am ready to work on my floors and my equipment, won't cooperate. I will perservere!