Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I will fear no evil!

I think this is appropriate for Halloween week~!

Monday, October 27, 2014

And We miss her... didn't cry all the way back home. We drove by the light of the slivery moon. The spooning that was the providence of many an earlier drive under a slivery moon was displaced by the pining for the same dear one together. We are united in this hopeful grief. We are encouraged and hurting at the same time. This is a very unusual season of growing in love with each other. Becoming one with each other in hopeful grief. THis time it is driving back home without the baby?
We know God has it all in control!

I do hope that you can experience that one day.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

She's HOME!

DARK night-driving through the cotton fields led to the shining lights of our home with our "college woman" back in our waiting arms. She is growing up swiftly and aided sweetly by the on-campus lifestyle that is now her discipline. How we laughed the night away bringing her home for a little while...
If daddy hits a deer then it will give the people the red cotton that they were needing. LOL
joke of the night

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Birthday College 19 year old!

Amazing Grace of provision, has you in another place for your birthday weekend, but we are with you in spirit. What a nice little talk we had over the "Facetime"? It seems appropriate that American Girl has a store here in Charlotte now. Doesn't it? Our times of fawning over the stories and the dolls shaped our 19 year relationship. We've drifted into adulthood and no longer spend time looking at the stories that groomed our relating, but they are a part of us. I just can't wait until we get to that store to reminisce in person of the delightful memories we made and wove into our mother-daughter love. You are my little American Girl doll and I am your American Girl mommy. We are not Addy or Josefina. We have our own story and our own part of the history of the world and the country of which we are a part. I do hope you can keep your mind on your work while we wait for that hug of celebration of the birthday. Love and kisses! MOMMY

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Church going aside... This weeks discussion was on the benefits or lack there-of of aligning one-self as African-American, or just American...

Elyse and I were at an impass in our discussion. Still, we went on and on; somewhat in real concern for Raven and somewhat in prayer for a generation of people predisposed to titles and not allegiances.

What does it matter, whether one accepts oneself as American or African-American? For some, it may mean more opportunity in the workplace or in the theater. Can I play whatever race is expected of me? That may be the question. Do we accept you as whatever you will show us of yourself and have we not created a world where you are not ashamed of your thicker physical frame and coarser hair texture? I don't know.

The reality is that God's providence has made us thus. God has placed us upon earth with our history and our advantages and disadvantages of our life condition. We must take our titles up with Him.

I do thing the 20somethings of our day are pushing us all to accept our disadvantages and grow because of them. I pray for the gospel going to their souls. As much as we have to embrace of our condition in this 2nd millennium I pray that we are not, at the last like Esau who for a mess of pottage lost his birthrite for his despising. We have come this far by faith. God has granted much light to our world and generation and we are far too neglectful in praise to Him for our many blessings. I pray that when these highly advantaged 20somethings wake up to the reality of God's great purpose for them that they will align themselves with Christ and His Church and accept the great things that God has done to get us to and through this point.

It is only Amazing Gracethat will carry us HOME, at last.
Be a little light!