Saturday, April 4, 2015

Growing Pains? .....Happy Easter, Baby Girl!

Knees and ankles baby, one, two, three...
Oh what a pain in the ... knees it is. I find myself more aware of my pain, when I am away from my family. Now, I have pains from the arthritis in my knees, from my torn meniscus, my tennis shoulder is often in a spasm, etc. These pains remind me that I am still in the body of this usefulness. We haven't yet inherited the new heaven and the new earth and the glorified bodies that God has for us.

Our Savior has purchased the keys of Death, Hell and the Grave, as we celebrate on this Easter Weekend. We only see partially, the glory of such a wonder of His great passion and full accomplishment. My pains remind me that His pain was for me.

One day, we will know the full reality of a painless existence. Until then, we care for these bodies the best we can. Start jogging or walking and use all of the faculties of your ownership to the full, until they are worn to a frazzle, like my shoulder, which reminds me daily that it is in "overtime". We read this chapter of Life w/Father and had a delightful discussion yesterday. It was funny and informative. I hope you click the link and find it funny and directive, also.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Fools----We missed you on April Fools this year, darling girl.

Distance is a hard place to be on special occasions. I led the boys who wanted to play a trick on somebody to do one to Emily, instead of you. She didn't really acknowledge it, but they had fun carrying it out. ....I had a wonderful healing April Fools day with the babies. I was playing like I was their coach and talking to them and throwing socks around, like I was running a clinic for them. It was such fun. And they were enjoying it. ...I heard Grandma Ruth's voice, who was the consummate athlete and coach for her whole life. I couldn't understand it. But when I was in grief, her contribution to my grief was a strong statement,"Jayne, where's your faith?" I felt truly stung for years and I just held it against her, as was the tenor of our relationship of "hate/hate" love/love I thought. Yesterday, I saw, for the first time that she was coaching me and I was like those babies oblivious to her meaning, in my grief. I was blinded by the grief and I was grateful for her being there, but she especially, I wanted to just be quiet. I love how Heaven clarifies misunderstandings, even years after their being forgiven and forgotten, in our minds. Our spirits have to process those realities.