Monday, January 16, 2023

the Silence of AWE!

 The Silence of Awe!

Words can capture many things.  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  But there are things that neither pictures nor words can capture.  “The silence of Awe!”

It seems that we have lost the sense of the silence of awe.  People gab incessantly and write incessantly over the wires and wireless systems that we have created.  Do we stop?  Can we stop to observe the awe?  Do we listen for the awesomeness of the silence of God?  God spoke a simple sentence that continues in procession to this day.   We speak many words that fall to the ground in their ineptness.  We listen to words and silliness that has absolutely no value, whatsoever.  God’s word is alive.

God’s Word is worthy to listen to in awe.  The awesomeness of God is amazing and we should spend some time in silence to respect it, at least on occasion.