Faith is the Victory that overcomes the world!
Can’t you only imagine, the victory, when we stand with the World as our trophy. Death, Hell and the grave, behind us to run onward and upward into the arms of our Father and Savior and friend; to know him without the hindrances of pride and sin.
We have run the race, we have spent the fortnight engaged in the conflict, the smell of the can, no longer our motivation, it is behind us. Can you imagine not having to measure your words and your thoughts by the country and the audience that is in front of you?
I really can’t imagine that. I cannot imagine a day of such freedom from the scrutiny of others of my words. Did you mean this or that? Was I the villain or the hero in that story? None of your business. We are always both, in this world. Jesus is the only hero in this world, but the day is coming when he will share his victory with his church. In that day the gates of hell will no longer be in the discussion. I like to imagine that day now.
Don’t wait till the battle is over, SHOUT NOW !