Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Last Day of School

Hurray, or Laments,

Depends on your point of view. Today we are celebrating, but tomorrow, it is back to the drawing board!

The Summer agenda is as follows:
4-5 devotions and dress
5-6 wake and dress children
6-7 Tennis at the courts
7-8 Take Ben to work
8-9 pick up children from the courts
10-11 get ready to go to work
11:30-8 Go to work, pick up Ben after work and jump into bed...

Nothing beats a failure but a try.
Trying to get the family to work on a cross stitch or embroidery, quilt to mark our 3rd summer here and a boys program for developing character. It is time to introduce my beloved historic Horatio Nelson to my sons for study and perusal. He is a hard character to introduce and discuss. There is so much good vailed in so much mess.
I am trying to read the Trumpet of the Swan onto the MP3 player and post it for the children and rewriting Aunt Pauline's journal for the family... Much to do... Oh well, back to the old drawing board...

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