Friday, July 11, 2008


It is day Samekh in Camp COO-Coo monga. Summer is speeding by and we spent the night under the lights playing tennis at the park. Running and romping, getting into one anothers way and learning to get along. I don't know if we ever will all get along with each other, just tolerate, love and learn to work together, is what it means to be in a family.
The children identified my idolatrous tendency to conformity to "rules of decorum". I confess, this is true; but if I don't say anything about the misbehavior, I will have complete resignation to silliness. The tennis courts are somewhat sacred to me. Set apart lines. Stuff you do and don't do there, more special even than my living room? my prayer closet?
There is a time and place for everything and I guess you could call what we did last night in my book was midnight "skinnydipping" on the tennis courts. Stupid behavior and silly shoeless rantings is "skinnydipping" and only allowable at midnight tennis.

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