Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to Proverbs 31--

Aren't we glad that shopping is included as a virtue in the next verse- She shops?-- She considers, which is shopping. She doesn't consider consumer items, in this verse, awwww, She considers another profitable industrious purchase which will, ultimately bring more into the household. What a woman! Let us remember in our holiday dreaming and scheming that we have an end in view of the maintainance of the household and that will truly temper the spending which goes on.
I met a truly industrious woman whose husband had given her a precious new sewing machine and she said to me. "I want to make a special blanket and sell blankets so that I can bring in the money which he spent for the machine." Her sentiments hit me deeply when I was covetting such a beautiful machine. I thought, could you say that, No I just want to play with it. Do good and speak well and don't consume the precious gifts upon your lusts and God will use you, also to that end, we pray.

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