Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waiting on the Lord is difficult!

I had reason to ask my precious husband to help and lend his strength to the waking up process to the little fellows. We had all had entirely too much fun the night before and were paying the price on the day following. I tried my usual tactics of reading a baby book and calling them to attention and they were still under the covers. I was frustrated. As soon as their daddy entered the room, his presence woke them up. Not saying that they didn't hear anything I said before that, but what a difference a man of God makes in the house. People can live without a man of God in authority over them but it is a serious void.
I was reminded in prayer what a precious gift it is to be under the authority of a man of God. It seems drudgery, when you see the other children and women acting upon their own impulses and doing their own things. God did not intend it thus. God made a special order and a special blessing in the relationship of the family. Clearly representing Himself in that picture. A meek and quiet spirit is nurtured and it is not natural. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. Don't believe that there is freedom in "doing your own thing!" It is a lie and whatever good there is in those doing their own things. Live under the light of the authorities and try, by God's grace to submit. Leave the rest of the answers to God.

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