Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Because I am Down a BREAK, I do so appreciate you're being mother's confidant, in so many things.

The mother in Proverbs 31 ran off at the mouth, concerned in her godliness with the future of her high son. She knew that designing women would make their way into his acquaintance with sordid motives.
I share reality with you. Whatever things are true...Though some may not be of the best report. I do appreciate how you bear with my recounting my missteps, at this point in my life. I often do wish now that I had prioritized the earthly and finances. Chosen the path of stuff to have to give to you, instead of spiritual discernment. People never pay for spiritual discernment as they do for other things. God is judge! He knows that whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.
The fakeness of many a woman's blogs does not prepare you to be and to care for the real nitty gritty of life, like God's word does.
God is real and many people have this romantic pretense of God being this victorian hero in the sky. He is so far above that it makes me barf. I am afraid that you may be swept up with this move of the blogosphere. God is no respecter of persons and you are not a second class citizen in heaven because your skin is brown and you can never look like those pictures of godliness, advertised. God is holy and mighty and it is not unto us that the glory belongs. To us belongs shame of face and confusion, but to Him and to His name belongs the glory and the wisdom and the power. Says Daniel who was, himself, in a slaves condition. When we take it upon ourselves to commend ourselves, by ourselves, among ourselves, I do wonder, if we could possibly know the Lord of Glory: who resists the proud? God is invisible and the things that he does are unsung. Many a thing that is really God glorifying is unsung. Don't ever forget that, "where no oxen are the crib is clean, but much produce and help comes from the strength of the ox" paraphrased. It is not always the beautified, awe inspiring task that God looks at. To this one will I look, says the Lord, to him who has a broken and contrite heart and who trembles at my word.
Look at the confessions of stricken motherhood, what we say when we are confessing to God. Govern your life by those things. Look at the children of the godly women. The ones who look happy although, no one can see the pleasantness of the mother. You can see the faces and know the hearts of the children. See that your husband and children have a God glorifying wife and mother and not a grumbler, like your mother. Give God the glory in your successes and in your failures.
What, my son? and What, son of my womb? and What, son of my vows?

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