Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blessed to have known Christ in the Pardon of your sins.

Blessed to live in a country where generations of people have studied and shown the revelation of the Lord through their meditations of Him being sweet. We are in danger of solidifying an orthodoxy that is not warmed by love. Love that is sweet to the Lord is faithful to include care and consideration of Him. Listening to the hymns. Thinking of his goodness, singing his praises. Tune my heart to sing thy praise. I can sing in the icy coldness of the discipline of that it is time to gather, or I can sing of the mercy of the Lord forever. God called David a man after His own heart. It was not enough that God had given them words to speak to him in "the prayers and the praises" the blessings of the Lord as spoken to Moses. David's heart gushed out his own words to express his Love of God. This was warm and alive love. It is dangerous to always allow others to write the words of our praise; if we haven't the words to speak to God in private.
Warm our icy traditions, O Lord. Enliven our worship and lift up a praise to Your name and Your person, that we may not miss the joyful life in love with You that You died to give us. Seeking You and Finding You where You are, present in the praises of Your people.

...Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above...

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