Thursday, December 10, 2009


Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but...

Beauty is my least favorite quality. Some people get high on the facet of beauty. I suppose beauty is a useful tool for some things. People notice it. God is beautiful and creates beauty. My dad never fawned at the type of beauty that was in the world. I watched everything that made my daddy turn his head. It wasn't the light-headed beauty that made my father turn his head. There were certain particular qualities that attracted my father's gaze. I watched what made him take that deep breath and I really tried to imitate what made him happy. He couldn't see that what was beautiful to him was more beautiful to me, or maybe he could.
When someone tells me that I am beautiful, as my sister said this morning, I don't find it encouraging. That and $2 will get you on the subway. Don't fall asleep on the subway though or your beauty will fleet away as I find it doing. The pain of sprains affect your walk. The sags of added fat and wrinkles tarnish your visage, but the woman who fears the Lord will still have a beauty in her soul. The beauty of Jezabel, was so deceptive that I believe that it had even deceived Elijah. He was a man of like passions, possibly meaning that he was motivated to try to rescue the beautiful Jezebel from deceptions of the false prophets. When he found out that she was the supreme false prophet, it was more than he could bear. Beauty has an authority that little else has, especially in America. May God reach the beautiful to glory in the beauty of the Lord and the humility that God may use their beauty to reach lost souls for His glory. He deserves all of the glory for His creation of beauty and when we use the beauty for His glory, it also is redeemed!
Thank God that neither riches, nor beauty, nor any created thing can separate us from the love of God.
May the Beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish Thou the works of our hands, Dear Lord!

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