Saturday, November 6, 2010

I do remember the very first time I tried to serve overhand in volleyball.

I had, as a freshman and sophomore, made a name for myself with an underhand serve, which was quite effective. I had tennis muscles developed and they made my underhand serve very strong and deliberate. I aced the other team many times. One day, coach said lets see you try an overhand serve. okay, in practice. I used all of the motions that I had seen and the strongest fist and every single bit of strength in my body and the ball didn't even hit the net. Oh no! That is not me. I will never get on the court, if I can't serve. Keep going, you can do it. Not me. I was comfortable with my power shot. I had absolutely no muscles in my shoulder developed. Mr. T looked at me funny. He was calculating something. I am surprised that with your tough tennis serve that you are not able to serve overhand? I guess it is a different muscle. He sent me to a corner with Diane, who had a wicked overhand and had even developed a round house serve. Okay. I can be tutored. It was humbling for the powerful server to have to be tutored on serve, in front of everyone. When I got 10 balls to pop to the top of the wall, I was sent back to the court and trying it on the net. Out of 10 balls, I got maybe 2 over the net and just over. Once or twice in a game I was commanded to try overhand or invited, let me say. I missed it 2 times. No way am I going to give up my power on the court for a chic new style. "I have this underhand thing, please don't make me change." I remember using every muscle in my body and seeing the ball bloop over the net. What is the difference? Now, I can thread a needle{so to speak} and put it where I want and I have much more control and power, because of a gentle nudging hand and encouragement. We can do alot more than we think we can, with practice. Keep trying. Keep practicing. You will get it over the net.

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