Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't Sleep in the Subway, Darling.

Upon planting my "Dusty Miller" and "Violas" at my mailbox. I remember Dusty Springfield and Sister Loyola a dear old Sister from my early fond remembrances. It has been sometime that I have said to myself, I will plant something nice and choice around my mailbox. Life happens and here we are 5 years later and no closer to civilizing this "vast wilderness" LOL than we were when we got here. I had grandiose dreams of "Sweet William" and Clover wafting over my "viranda". Each early attempt was met with design critiques and major marital distemper, and so I gave up, for a time. Here I am, unemployed and longing for flowers and fauna, to the tune of deacon Wests yard and I gird myself for the battle, when the master of the house sees the creative genius that reminds me of subways and Dusty Springfield and Sister Viola, I mean Loyola. Maybe it is a Rock and Roll garden, he is opposed to, whatever. "Nothing beats a failure, but a try."

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