Monday, November 3, 2014


Oh sure, the library is so much more exciting than an occasional conversation with your mother, while in "Big Girl School" {That was my mother's title for it}. She should know, she's been through this before a couple of times.

I called her and I said come get me. I don't like this big girl stuff. She said go ahead, you can cut it. I think kindergarten was easier. The library was a big place where I could go to hide from the onslaught of unwanted sociality. I was never a groupie. I had my ones and two friends and then the tennis team and the pep squad and the basketball team and the fencing team and just a few other sporting teams here and there, but for the most part, I was a loner...{HA, ha} I didn't mention the little romantical interactions that darted the landscape of my college story.

The main point is that I hope you don't forget your poor mother,in the midst of the congestion and the silence of your solitude and your enjoyments. I am glad to hear from you, every now and again and our love, stands above the craze. I know you didn't hang up on me! :)

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