Today is the first day of Hannuka and I don’t celebrate every year, but this year, because my baby is in DC I have an extra moment to make latkes . I have added paprika to the potatoes and garlic and onions and flour mixture to represent the WWII thoughts and the loss of our President Bush. I hope that diplomacy and sectionalism of our nation will be taught to defer, without “compromise to the indivisibles”. Identifying and representing the indivisibles, as we grow in unity is the American way.
I am a Christian and yet the history of Hannuka is celebrated in our hearts in a unique way as the redeemed of the Lord, by the blood of Jesus Christ. I celebrate the fact that our Jewish brethren have a vail over their eyes that God has promised to remove, one day. I celebrate the power of the Gospel that has brought me into unity with Christ and marked the beginning of my unification with the Saints on High. I am growing in my faith day after day, as I saturate my soul in the Word of God and I enjoy the sunshine of God’s smile on my life and faith. I am daily coming to Him for forgiveness and help in this difficult world. I am grateful for the grace to stand in my faith on this day. As I anticipate the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas, I look forward to the unity of the faith in a more perfected country and world. Only Jesus can make that happen!
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