Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Nine strawberries came from the garden today.  Seven or eight had come off the plants on other days and I had squirrilly stored them away to boil for jam when I have enough.  My own "homegrown jam!".  I will be a woman, after all!

I carried my huge bounty into my, dishevelled morning kitchen and opened my enormous freezer, now perfectly organized by my sweet sixteen year old.  :)  { as organized as a teen can make it}  I reached in my usual spot to find my store.  Maybe seventeen strawberries, I had grown;  Maybe eighteen whole strawberries from MY garden.  An achievement for me, {if you knew me!}  Not there?  Not on the shelves, Not on the door!  I am sure, I felt my father well up inside my soul.  This is another "hammer-like dilemma".   I called a "courtmarshall".   Where are my strawberries?  I bellowed,  as gently as my steaming emotions would allow.  
Well, I am sure that this preface of the situation has jarred your memory to the incident that I am referring to.  You and I have it in memory.  You and I looked eye to eye and disagreed at the magnitude of this event. 
My mom and I had an incident with a plant in the window and my dad and I with a hammer misplaced by someone in the family. 
I have now seen, just today that these things were significant to them because they represented their adulthood to them.   They were certainly young parents and I an elderly one, but mine represents my pursuit of feminity. An illusive thing, but, significant.   Your feminity is not ever pursued, you posess it in your self, it seems.   Mine are in the strawberries.  As I replace the items from the freezer that you submissively extracted, I explain my tyrade.  I do not apologize for the tyrade, although it may have seemed overkill to you.  I explain it, though.
You, just may have wondered at my exaggerated expression.  Here you have the explanation, should you read it someday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Let's Get Physical

Part of A Mommy's job is building the frame of the body for health.  The children are in your heart and you are in their hearts.
I can imagine, if we are raising the generation that will get their glorified bodies without seeing death, perhaps it is our job to teach them to develop earthly glorified bodies.  Bloodstreams and hearts that don't decay, because we don't beat them up.  Perhaps, what we do to God's heart, he allows us to do to our own hearts.  If we please His heart, perhaps we will cleanse our own heart problems, emotional and physical.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When did you first kiss?

. It is the joy of some, to keep from the young the beauty and the ravenousness of love. Some people dumb down the story to make it PG. I would be quiet and wait until the real story can be told. I will let the syphoners syphon love and passion from the story, if they would. Great expectations means that if there is no passion before the marriage, you cannot imagine that you will find it after. If you can use so much self control as to keep yourself soooooo pure in body and soul; maybe you don't love him. That is my philosophy. God meant love to be a great motivator. God bridged the divide and God pushed aside decorum to save His Bride the Church. Great Expectations shows the love of a sad and empty orphan, that drove him throughout his life and God used that love to save souls and to exorcise the devil from a community. The devil knows that secrets kept from people can give him a foothold. Secrets of bitterness, secrets of antagonism, secrets of thievery and falsehoods, PIP had a secret admiration that drove him to cleanse the world around him and his own soul. Better to deal with admiration, that might develop into lust, than thievery that leads to murder. God knows the truth of love and He has designed the love that grows into families. Henry Fonda, in Yours, Mine and Ours and in Spencer's Mountain gives some of the best love advice I have seen in the movies. Don't believe the fastidious nonsense. Live your life and love God and love as hard as you can, in marriage and when you get tired, love harder. Don't get shocked at the passion and plan for it.