Wednesday, November 26, 2014

From Emma's perspective.

Every morning mommy puts me out to look for the missing sheep. I look as far as I can see. I just can't imagine where she could be?

They seem alright with it and I don't think they are very good at raising sheep, if they can live with themselves not getting out there to search where she is. I think they must know where she is, but if they don't, I can't imagine why they sit in front of that thing so much and don't go out into the highways and hedges and see where she might have run off to.

Maybe, she is stuck around the corner between some hedges and can't get her wool loose from the thorns. Perhaps, she fell and broke a bone and is bleating into the night with no one to comfort her. I have often grabbed her little hand to remind her to keep in step with the flock. Now, there is one less sheep to remind and to herd along the way.

I knew that something was changing, because Mommy wasn't home, she scurried around the morning and they went out. It looked to be a search party and they came back with the "Evie Sheep". I was so happy, I jumped on her and we rolled around like never before! They found her and she's home!!! Happy Day.

Monday, November 24, 2014

If you were a chickadee

Love thoughts from mother Dreams are a matter of perspective, it seems to me. If you are a chickadee, your song is your delight. If you are a bumblebee the sunflower is your sweetest entertainment, etc. The trick seems to find your perspective and enjoy the travel into your dreams. The secret of life, James Taylor is a great song and director of the perspective.

I miss you so much!

It seems like forever, till tomorrow, when we are supposed to pick you up. I thought that I might have your blankie finished, but I am not sure now, because I didn't get the newspaper to get the coupon for the wool that I wanted to finish it up. We will see. It will be a surprise, if I finish it and it will be a surprise if I don't finish it. They sent a video of sweet little Violet, I call her Scarlet, walking. It seems like yesterday that she was born, it has been a few months. She is walking and she's adorable! We sang, what I call Kayla's song, cause it sounds like her voice, the Arkansas Choir, YOU ALONE. So, she's in my prayers, this week, Scarlet, Brooklyn, Denny and Aunt Jackie's bunch of Grands, not to mention Addy-Grace and Ameenah, Ruthie's little lady. I saw Stoney-boy in the facetime yesterday too, so I don't forget him in the bunch, even though he's a cousin and not a grand cousin. I can just imagine them coming to church with us and singing in the choir, like they could, only in my imagination.

I said, I remember when Evvie was just walking and there she is miles and miles away, now. Booohoooo! You will see her tomorrow, mommy, feel better. You can hug her then. I guess I will be alright until tomorrow.

A sweet sister said, will you be at the Thanksgiving Service? I said, Evvie is away and she is the priority for us, very emphatically. {I really couldn't help my emphasis of that point} She said, you go ahead and pull that little chickie right back into the nest, like you will. I saw myself like the "mother hen" that I am and it was a sweet moment of fellowship in an instant that somebody could understand my missing my baby who isn't exactly a baby. But she's in my every thought. I love you, just that much! Can't wait till tomorrow.XXXXXOOOO

Monday, November 3, 2014


Oh sure, the library is so much more exciting than an occasional conversation with your mother, while in "Big Girl School" {That was my mother's title for it}. She should know, she's been through this before a couple of times.

I called her and I said come get me. I don't like this big girl stuff. She said go ahead, you can cut it. I think kindergarten was easier. The library was a big place where I could go to hide from the onslaught of unwanted sociality. I was never a groupie. I had my ones and two friends and then the tennis team and the pep squad and the basketball team and the fencing team and just a few other sporting teams here and there, but for the most part, I was a loner...{HA, ha} I didn't mention the little romantical interactions that darted the landscape of my college story.

The main point is that I hope you don't forget your poor mother,in the midst of the congestion and the silence of your solitude and your enjoyments. I am glad to hear from you, every now and again and our love, stands above the craze. I know you didn't hang up on me! :)