Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I miss you, terribly!

Lets go get her, today! No, we'll wait. Well, I will wait and just be missing you.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Can you cook, cutiepie?

Can she bake a cherrypie, Billy boy, Billy boy?

It is wonderful that you finally took it upon yourself to cook the fake Mac n Cheese for your father.  It really is more important, those relationships than the papers that you finish in school.

You will learn as you grow older that the lessons at home have precedence over the lessons in school.  I was watching and hoping that you would make the right decision about your father's request.  It means so much to him to see you answer his request and to eat something that you made.

I promise that the next time uncle Johnny asks if you can cook, I will have a bunch of stories for him, instead of a blank stare.

I love your hairdo!