Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Thanks Much!

I love my Christmas presents all!

But I do love the thematic virtue of the College woman’s gifts! 2 years ago it was Stevie Wonder Songs in the Key of Life, Last Year it was “Life With Father” and this year a NEW vacuum.
The Story of my North Carolina life…

One night as I waited for your father at 2 am in the parking lot of his job.  I dreamed that Clarence Day Sr. was cleaning the steps to heaven and they reached all the way down to the church on that street.  I was amazed that he, Clarence (as I now call him) didn’t stop cleaning to talk to me.  He simply said, as the woman in the movie about his life said, “this is how Our Dear Lord likes them kept”.  Cleaning the steps to heaven was his job, but he wasn’t the only one, He went about to tell me about the evangelistic nature of wifing and how his soul was nearly lost, were it not for the mercy and grace of the beloved creature who had become his wife on earth and hadn’t given up on him.  She prayed and prayed and I am grateful eternally!  I never thought of wifing as evangelistic, but from then on, I haven’t looked at my stairs or my movie of Life with Father the same.
Cleaning the stairs, this Christmas seemed the completion of the story and it is my turn to tell you the importance of caring for all your loved ones by praying for their souls.  Let us not be happy to get to heaven alone and not have our loved ones there with us.  Pray for us.  Clean your stairs and be a witness for Jesus!