Sunday, May 17, 2020

Proverbs 17 thoughts in the light of meditations about Merlin

Using knowledge right
Using Excellent speech right is in view when we think about the mission of Merlin with Arthur.  

Having a view that the providence of God insists that any child that is given into your providential care must have royal or leadership in their futures.  

The myth of England that only the Elite were duly appointed to leadership.  Money and position paves the way for many.  But, just as true is the providence of knowing God as a condition for leadership.

The myth of America is trying to snatch the arrows out of the hands of the mighty men and redirect everyone from thinking about the children as being God’s (masculine) arrows to direct and instruct.  Women and femininity is prioritized and extolled as the condition that causes leadership.  “Buy into the feminist agenda or die in anonymity” they seem to say.  Every man for himself; motherhood, nor fatherhood is a condition for leadership or development. 

Habits of productivity
Habits of personal care
Habits of thinking

The Merlin myth seems to highlight the growth in imagination and empathy and sympathy as a condition for leadership.

I think that they were aware that there was a heartlessness that was birthed and provoked in the dark ages that “too bad” attitude that God was attempting to yank us as a world out of.

Thus Merlin’s magic revealed “The wrath of God against unrighteousness”  

In that Merlin was level headed that brain development was being severely hampered in the style of education that was choosing poor children to a life of certain servitude would soon be completely revoked and the entire system would need to be revamped.  Give everyone a chance.

I am intrigued by the imagination about feminism and the feminine wiles as being the “AntiChrist” so to speak.  Womanly confusion, whether in the emotions of squirrels or the complete competition element in the other witch”.

Every rendition of this ancient myth seems to include the confusion wrought into the equation of femininity.  Whether they were asking whether or not these tactics would be useful in educating women or not might be the question they were pondering.

I think that there was something of the competition element involved in Gweneviere’s story, which I would truly like to delve into in my studies and search of the ancient truth and how it impacts where we are today.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum,  England and the Americas domination of the process of cultural development in the general world scheme of present day.  As translated by Lewis Carroll…

{This is the story of growing out of an economy built on the Slavery industry in the West}

Where we are is steering the boat back into the quagmire of the dark ages where elitists rule the world and discount the considerations of the masses by their lack of imagination of inclusion.  They need to be directed is the argument.  They have had the media to do their bidding in directing.  And now that process has been dismantled and “unmasked”.  “It is in the interest of supposed progress that they do these things, but God steps in in just such a time as this to show us the folly of our way.

In answer to His Church’s prayers for effectiveness upon the earth.  God turns the tables on the elitists agenda and their 401k’s.  So that they needn’t imagine the possibility of their power being snuffed.  They are seeing the reality of these things coming upon them. 

Do we trust in chariots and bank accounts or do we trust that the God of His Church is truly offended at the development of ministries and the throwing away of the word Church from our vocabularies?  Are you the church?  Or are you the mission or the ministries?   Christ is coming back for His church?  His conditional promises are to those who are attached to her.  They are not unconditional promises.  They are not unconditional developments of a Santa Clause upstairs who loves to dote on human dear ones.  

They are the hearty promises of a jealous lover who is protecting his investment of love and care for the generations following.

Seeing God this way, we are humbled and provoked to cling to him and not to miss His perfect and true direction in the present.

Looking at history to learn what God has said through things that we have preserved through the antiquities, should be analyzed for the necessary ingredients that they possess.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Thinking and Thoughts

Brain Development vs. skill development

If we are reared as though we are made in the image of God: to have communion with Him and communicate with Him, that has ramifications in our educating.

If we are creating show dogs, who can perform this or that task and yet have no ability to engage in relationship, that is far below God’s letter of intention in and for our lives.

We are coming Up from Slavery as a World!  We are learning the inherent greatness of being made in the image of God, every one of us.  We are learning not to take people into our service as slaves and not recompense them for their services.  This is a great leap.  We are learning that no man is below any other man.  We who have much have responsibilities that others do not.

The War with the Orcs is this battle.  Fighting with and for people who cannot see the way out of the system that they have been socialized.  Skill development have a place, but each persons brain and mind and body is purposed by God.  We must engage them to see that as their highest priority.

whether Orcs or the Stormtroopers in Starwars, I am talking about people who are committed to their service to a system of education that is developed to create and extend the disparities that are already created.

We don’t want people to get to where we are, economically or relationally with God.  We cut the cords of our climbing.  Jack and the Beanstalk?  kill the plant so no one else can get to this place?  

Ezra and Nehemiah took their captivity and gave their people a way to grow in their minds to the place of thinking where they were.  Learning to think is important, even to the captives.