Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Did the Devil win with Herodias?

Oh the dance, It tumbles nations and can take the head off of the most godly man on the earth. Herodias wielded her power on the earth, to detach the godly from the earth. Her trophy for her dance was his head on her wall, as if it were a Lion. This would truly send chills to any who would embrace godliness to know whose hand ruled the morality of the kingdom. Is that not the case? Do we not rule the morality of the kingdom, by our dance and what makes us dance? We know if a man will move toward or away from such a dance and there is a dance for each of the kind of men in our influence. What will you give me? Did not the perfect man deny the Creator for access to the perfect woman? There is power in this: fearful power, indeed. God's power is greater still. He has redeemed and empowered godliness. See the Conquering Savior coming to seek and to save that which was lost. The kingdoms, which would be subject to the Herodiases of the world is able to be subject to Christ. God is able to make the kingdoms of the world subject to the morality of Christ in His families. He plants them and implants them with power to subdue the immorality of the world. When husbands love their wives they are fulfilling the law of Christ. Strengthening her to desire godliness and use her dance for the good and upbuilding of the kingdom of Christ. When we dance before our lord and husband, we are empowering him to walk in strength and confidence in an ungodly world. We are a granade of grace and strength. I look at Mr. Day, in life with Father (played by William Powell) His wife danced about him and had the leash of the lion in her hand. When we work together in this, it needn't be the "battle of the sexes." Job's covenant with his eyes was that he would learn and teach himself to be engaged in lust with only his wife. This strengthens and builds her up, too. If you steal the godly woman's tool of dance from her, you set the man up to be beguiled by Herodias. No! Dance for your husband, godly woman! Strengthen the granade of grace for the taking of the kingdoms of this world into the captivity to Christ, who created the "Marriage". The Kingdoms of this

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

America, the Beautiful!

Beautiful and to be beautified, America.   Don't stop beautifying America, with yourself.   I love you,  Happy Fourth.