Monday, December 29, 2008

Is your simplicity baited or abated?

Baited, used, manipulated, taken advantage of, is what people do to the simple minded. Those who, by their ignorance cannot take stock of the wisdom available from God, in the world around us. Let us study to answer and study to behave and decide with prudence. The advantage takers may get away with their guise for a short time and eternally suffer, as Christ says it is better that a millstone be hung around their necks and they be cast into the sea. Christ cares for His simple ones, but He warns us to be wise as serpents. Be wise, dear children. Don't allow the pride of life cause you to align yourself with those who mean you no good purpose in your souls. Defend your souls by worshipping God with your mind. God is good! God is alive and God is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Touch not, they say, taste not, they implore. If Christ has set you free, be free to love Christ and one another with truth and abandon. He is holy and undefiled and gives us all things richly to enjoy.
Enjoy Christ and one another's family love.
Have your simplicity abated.

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