Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Laboring to preserve natural affections.

"...Seeing of the travail of His soul"

Especially since the middle ages, we have been aware as humans that, even with the light of the risen Christ upon the earth, natural affections can be lost or deteriorate to nearly nothing.
Church and the scriptures are no antidote to base behavior and indulging in bad human relationships, if not used by those transformed, by His grace and doers of the Word.
God has given to the Church, the tools to grow healthy and wholesome relationships, but we sometimes relegate the instruction of these natural affections to the by and by. We make children think that they will not be accountable for anything that they do, bc(Before they are in Christ) so to speak.
Even a child, is known by his doings.
It is certainly easier to live unto God, than to try to find Him from out in the wilderness.
Yes, Christ's grace and mercy reaches even me, but the goal is to improve the culture that we have inherited, not to debase it.

Christ will build His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail over it!

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