Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the Light of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Now that we have seen the fruition of the bonds of limitations loosed from our hands. The check of full Americanism cashed in the Bank of Justice, as MLK put it, Jacqueline McCullough wisely helped us realize the things that we have dropped on the way to the bank to cash the check.
We have money, we have opportunity, but do we have wisdom and love for God? Do we appreciate the reality of the price that was paid for the freedoms that we enjoy as African Americans?
I never appreciated what she was saying, until I listened to it in the light of civil rights. Jacqueline McCullough preached at Azusa and I drank deeply of the pertinent application. But they didn't come truly home to my soul, until I listened to MLK's I Have a Dream speech.
She was more right than I knew. We have been remiss. We truly have been remiss in not taking these liberties that were bought in nonviolent ways and using them to glorify the God who gave us them. We have not learned, in prosperity, to inculcate God in our knowledge, or we are all too forgetful.
1963, we stood with our parents, hoping and believing that the bank of justice was not bankrupt and that we were also given these inalienable rights that others enjoyed. Here we are, in 2010, with these inalienable rights, shown as truly inalienable. We have an African American President! We are really members of the America that brought us here. God has delivered us and answered our prayers. But, are our souls hollow? Do we know Him in our prosperity? Do we honor the memory of those who have taught us to trust God to reach into the bank of Justice on our behalfs? I love that Jacqueline McCullough "went" there.
Forgetting is not the answer, it is the enemy. Other people groups have traditions for remembering the deliverances that God has granted them in America. Perhaps Kwanza has become this, for some. We are free indeed and freedom has rung it's bell for us, in America. The limitations that have grieved us after having the memory of being people without a common ground
A huge continent unites us, the endurance of manstealing and slavery unites us, neither of these things have spiritual significance unless our souls are united by the Holy Spirit and our trust is in Christ. Christ has shown us, from our dehumanizing cultural experience in history, in America, that He can unite the most ununitable people group and make one people, out of many and deliver from oppression, if we humble ourselves and pray.

In America, Christ has shown that he can heal our land of even the most outlandish of our sinful practices, if we confess and forsake them. We should be serving Him.
Pursuing Christ in our Happiness. God Bless America.

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