Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Confessions of an Antifeminist

Believe it or not, I am old enough to remember the early days of the feminist revolution. I remember most women, being married with children. Definitely, on TV, this was the case, even if it wasn't in my life. My mom was an at home mom, but both my grandmas were single mothers and very savvy with themselves; tremendously believers in women's rights.
Because my daddy had been reared in a female dominated family, he felt it his mission, to share the pitfalls of living in such a state. Anything, that hurt my daddy used to hurt me. I understood the look on his face of loss and grief, when he saw others' fathers, interacting with them.
I told you, this morning dear Evvie, about the development of family concensus in our family. The attacks and some of the effects of the philosophies that grew up in the 60s.

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