Monday, November 5, 2012

What is womanhood for?

I really liked that movie, "Wreck it Ralph". I liked the useful examples of femininity that our culture throws to the curb, sometimes.Fictional? For Sure. But, close to reality. Stereotypes of efficiency and capability are sometimes eclipsed by the expectation of nurture and sympathy that is expected in femininity. Skill bases are instructed in women as well as in men and they are dependent on the needs of any generation. When a man's skill base becomes defunct and he is not fitting into the "State of the Art" what does that make him? When a woman's skill base doesn't fit the job descriptions, what is she? Motherhood, war, these timelines that we change to fit ourselves into are seasons and they will pass and you have to know who you are outside of these roles, that you may take on. God holds the culture accountable for what it does with these needed skill base essentials. He is reflected in the family unit. When we dispose of the family unit, we are losing a part of the image of God in our world. Not the only image, but an essential image. They say that this is one of the reasons that Rome fell. We cannot know that. We can only know that God judges and gives us minds to judge also. If we judge our culture, maybe we will avert the greater judgment of God. Solomon got a reprieve in his day. All I say to my daughters is, "don't let the world create the you that you want to become...Seek God and stay in the knowledge that His image-bearing role, though out of style will never be out of "His Will".

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