Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Comforts of Home

I really hope that as we prepare our homes for the return of our troops we will consider all that they have been through on our account. They have been to the front lines of death and some of them very young. They have seen buddies and children and other cultures and we are ready to welcome them and they are ready to be home.
I don't believe that God will orchestrate their speedy return until our hearts are right and ready to receive them. God is sovereign and He will use all of these means to humble us to accept them home. It is a new day in this country and I don't believe that we will allow the sense of futility that we allowed the past troops to endure. Let us get our hearts and homes ready to accept these fellows and ladies home soon and let us pray to that end and see what God will do. For all of our sakes...

Lets beat our swords into plowshears and build an economy of life and health.

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