Monday, January 5, 2009

In her hands...

She grasps the spindle and the distaff and uses her fingers to create. My grandma was a part of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in the old days. She was a seamstress and often came over with a piece of material which would become a lovely garment for one or the other of us. She was a master worker at what looked good on people. She knew what made her look good and what made others look good. It is true that man looks on the outward appearance. Know that God looks on the heart.
I love how all of my girls have taken after father and grandmother in their consideration of the outward man and how things look. That is certainly not from me.
God looks on the heart. Adorn your hearts with the things that are precious to God. A meek and quiet spirit is more beautiful to God than diamonds and pearls. He grants these precious gifts as a choice gift to the soul, but they come at great price. I have met a precious few women, beautified with these choice stones of meekness and quietness. I don't blame you if you want to walk in stallettos, but make sure that you don't have an unornamented soul, in terms of what is beautiful to God. I would prefer to be part of the Spiritual Ladies Soul Garment Workers Union. Help us Lord to know what looks good to You!

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