gently paced back and forth. His massive body, seeming barely to touch the floor. A leap could have happened in a second's notice. Something had is attention. I am not sure what. I know that look, I said to myself. That is the leap when the serve hasn't been served yet. When I am pacing making sure that I am covering the court, in case the serve is forehand or backhand. Covering ground, looking over the spots to make sure that the court would be covered and that my oponent knows that I am there, wherever, she chooses to serve it. I had a comradery about the panning and the leaping. I have limited myself, because of weight and those considerations. Those lions are 1000 pounds, I am exagerating. They don't look hindered or limited from running or leaping or jumping, if the need arises. I was motivated to move, by looking them in the eye. I know that look. I only get that look, when the ball is a floater. Everybody knows, move out of the way, mom is in the zone... BOOM!
Tape, net, or line, I will feel better, once I have attacked it. Is that a sickness?
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