Friday, November 25, 2011

On Thanksgiving/Creamed onions,Sauteed Mushrooms, Lima beans and Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffed Shells, String Bean casserole...etcetera, etcetera...

I was stuffed with delights and fond new memories that I could write about for days. The clouds ran out of the way as if to say, we cannot believe that you are going to the mountains. Even we can't interrupt that party. Not a cloud was in the sky, we wouldn't want you to think that we were trying to dampen your party, they said, by their conspicuous absence.
The table was set, divinely. I took my plate and looked at the buffet, where the fixens were set. Oh Wow! My favorite! I could have taken a plate of each of the fixens, separately. I showed decorum and didn't just gobble the mushrooms from the serving bowl. I wanted to drink them straight, but, I acted in the fashion, my momma taught me and saved some for everyone else. I really wanted all of the mushrooms and then, I saw the onions. MY, oh my! Where will I put it all? If I put all the onions on the other side of the plate from the mushrooms, they will think that I am making a statement of something. I must put...Limas, Limas? They have limas? I love it!
I was going to start talking about Grandma Ruth's limas and how I missed them and how wonderful they are, now. How my gram would be so shocked to see me eating anything healthy. I couldn't. There were other memories to make and other things to put on my plate. I couldn't eat it all.
The food was delicious, but the memories that they evoked were more precious and inexplicable.

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