Monday, June 23, 2008

Devoted to doody

Sometimes, it feels like the only thing that I am expert in is analyzing the type and quality of poop. 20 something years of changing and analyzing poop and other undescribables, just to see the children jump from mess to mess makes a person tird-crazy. Beedy eyes are starting to form on the back of my head and often times no one can understand what I'm talking about. It is my DEVOTION to DOODY or Prescribed to Poopy or Bedazzled to Booboo!

Ethan's new book is called All about GAS, Flatulence, Burping and the like... We make asides of humor by calling attention to gas forming products in our systems. Something far outside of the realms of reasonable decorum. If it weren't for decorum, we would have nothing to laugh about.

Ezra's poopy stuff is about when is he going to stop making that poopy noise with his mouth? At first, it was cute, when he was a baby and now it is akin to the oinks of a pig made, just about everywhere. Will they ever learn decorum? Will I ever learn decorum!

Gingivitis, but no cavities for Em! The breastmilk did her some good, after all...

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