Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Heavenly Father knows

how to give good gifts to his children.

It was the day after Thanksgiving and the cheshire grin of our Daddy kept a secret in his briefcase. He called the family together and we sat around the living room and opened the briefcase to give us his handmade cards which he took time and crafted with care and consideration. Thoughtful and intimate and caring creations from our earthly father's hands. Enoch said that he thought that dad had a million dollars in that briefcase, like they show in the movies. No million dollars could be as beautiful as the cards and hand creations crafted in love that your father has bestowed upon you in gratitude to God for you.
Our Heavenly Father knows that we have needs and He is aware that those needs include money and we must trust that just as our earthly father took time and consideration to craft his love in a card; so our heavenly Father is crafting the right means for our needs and deliverance of this difficult time. We trust God and continue to trust God far past the inconsistencies of your parents.

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