Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She is like the merchant ships

Bringing food from afar.
In terms of mind food, to me, this means that she is able to take to task the farthest philosophies, in her home, for the glory of God. I love how they said that Ruth Graham was not afraid of contemporary music for her children. She sat with them and analysed the words and took captivity captive in their hearts. She blessed them by identifying with them in their identifying with the young people around them. Humanism, Communism, Idealism, Capitalism are no match for the heat of God's consuming fire of His word. We act like God is cowering in the corner afraid of the philosophies these young people are coming up with. He is greater than all, even their foolishness must bow in submission to Him. Tolerate no disrespect to God and take every philosophy to God in prayer and communication and stand in the gap for your children and your world.
Sometimes we steal youth from our younguns, by making them cross and elderly and cantankerous because of a bunch of do's and don'ts which are man made. I want them to dance, I want them to enjoy their youth, I want them to be young and excited about life and good things. We must be the ones to wrestle these foolish thoughts and ones into submission to God in their young days and not to the traditions of man.
God loves a joyful giver. If they sullenly have turned over their liberties to the traditions of man, it does them no good.

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