Friday, August 22, 2014

Trust in the Lord...As We Sail to Heaven's Shores

The questions swirl around your mind. I see them following you and bumping you on your head, this morning of the "lunar liftoff"{to change the analogy}. How do I?...What if? Is there a???etc.

T-12hours to lift off. Time will tell if the questions were "legit" or not. You have every emotional and mental tool at your disposal for the growing up app on all of our computers. Is there an app for this part of the parenting process? There should A how to pack for college app. How to think like a grown up app. etc. I am sure you will find it, or create it, if it isn't there.

There is no shortcuts for leaning on the Everlasting Arms. You have to find them, like your pillow, everyday. You have to know you need them to lean on them, in prayer and in meditation on the Master's great plan. His Arms as your pillow will support your every effort with divine assistance. Knowledge that we are sinners and fallible and in great need of the help of the Lord, everyday. I do thank Him for making you the dear girl that you have been and the wonderful woman you are becoming. I do want to see you soar and the soaring process means there must be some distance. Even that swallows and the starlings put some distance between themselves and the nearest air-swimmer. They are sometimes very high in the sky and sometimes very low to the ground. College is the distancing, before liftoff to an even greater sphere. It is not the sphere, yet, although it may be a very great useful place for you. Do all you can. See all you can. Help all you can. Grow all you can. Don't miss one opportunity that your conscience says yes to. And try not to jump into any mess that your conscience doesn't go for. But, if you do, know that you have an advocate with the Father. Jesus is the answer! Jesus is the WAY. Keep your eyes on Him and you will be just fine. We are still here for you. Always praying for your growth and safety and trying not to make a big deal of your challenges.

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