Tuesday, March 20, 2007

75 degrees and sunny!

What a beautiful day in March! This is great weather we are having here in North Carolina. It takes getting used to for us to figure out what is bad weather down here. One snow day a year is wonderful. The sun is out even when it is raining. No wonder they all seem to have a sunny disposition, it is because the sun is always shining. Sunshine in my soul today! It is still Jesus who shines brightest when the sun is out all of the time and when it is not. Even when the sun and the day is beautiful, Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer!

I simply pale, because we are used to running on the adrenaline of antagonisms in NY. Conflict vs. conflict and we live on that. We get high on the struggle of life, I don't want to go under because of the lack of kicking and screaming. Kick, I say! Kick!
Thank you, God for the season of beauty and rain in the time of latter rain. Even if it is every season as here in NC.

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