"Hope Thou in God!" Trying to encourage myself in the Lord and see His wise guidance. I would hope that my 6 children would read and see the way to go and not to go.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Be a Sweetie! Take your roommate to lunch one day this week!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
From Emma's perspective.
They seem alright with it and I don't think they are very good at raising sheep, if they can live with themselves not getting out there to search where she is. I think they must know where she is, but if they don't, I can't imagine why they sit in front of that thing so much and don't go out into the highways and hedges and see where she might have run off to.
Maybe, she is stuck around the corner between some hedges and can't get her wool loose from the thorns. Perhaps, she fell and broke a bone and is bleating into the night with no one to comfort her. I have often grabbed her little hand to remind her to keep in step with the flock. Now, there is one less sheep to remind and to herd along the way.I knew that something was changing, because Mommy wasn't home, she scurried around the morning and they went out. It looked to be a search party and they came back with the "Evie Sheep". I was so happy, I jumped on her and we rolled around like never before! They found her and she's home!!! Happy Day.
Monday, November 24, 2014
If you were a chickadee
I miss you so much!
I said, I remember when Evvie was just walking and there she is miles and miles away, now. Booohoooo! You will see her tomorrow, mommy, feel better. You can hug her then. I guess I will be alright until tomorrow.
A sweet sister said, will you be at the Thanksgiving Service? I said, Evvie is away and she is the priority for us, very emphatically. {I really couldn't help my emphasis of that point} She said, you go ahead and pull that little chickie right back into the nest, like you will. I saw myself like the "mother hen" that I am and it was a sweet moment of fellowship in an instant that somebody could understand my missing my baby who isn't exactly a baby. But she's in my every thought. I love you, just that much! Can't wait till tomorrow.XXXXXOOOOMonday, November 3, 2014
I called her and I said come get me. I don't like this big girl stuff. She said go ahead, you can cut it. I think kindergarten was easier. The library was a big place where I could go to hide from the onslaught of unwanted sociality. I was never a groupie. I had my ones and two friends and then the tennis team and the pep squad and the basketball team and the fencing team and just a few other sporting teams here and there, but for the most part, I was a loner...{HA, ha} I didn't mention the little romantical interactions that darted the landscape of my college story.
The main point is that I hope you don't forget your poor mother,in the midst of the congestion and the silence of your solitude and your enjoyments. I am glad to hear from you, every now and again and our love, stands above the craze. I know you didn't hang up on me! :)Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
And We miss her...
We know God has it all in control!
I do hope that you can experience that one day.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
She's HOME!
If daddy hits a deer then it will give the people the red cotton that they were needing. LOLjoke of the night
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Happy Birthday College 19 year old!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Church going aside... This weeks discussion was on the benefits or lack there-of of aligning one-self as African-American, or just American...
What does it matter, whether one accepts oneself as American or African-American? For some, it may mean more opportunity in the workplace or in the theater. Can I play whatever race is expected of me? That may be the question. Do we accept you as whatever you will show us of yourself and have we not created a world where you are not ashamed of your thicker physical frame and coarser hair texture? I don't know.
The reality is that God's providence has made us thus. God has placed us upon earth with our history and our advantages and disadvantages of our life condition. We must take our titles up with Him.I do thing the 20somethings of our day are pushing us all to accept our disadvantages and grow because of them. I pray for the gospel going to their souls. As much as we have to embrace of our condition in this 2nd millennium I pray that we are not, at the last like Esau who for a mess of pottage lost his birthrite for his despising. We have come this far by faith. God has granted much light to our world and generation and we are far too neglectful in praise to Him for our many blessings. I pray that when these highly advantaged 20somethings wake up to the reality of God's great purpose for them that they will align themselves with Christ and His Church and accept the great things that God has done to get us to and through this point.
It is only Amazing Gracethat will carry us HOME, at last.Be a little light!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Why should I go to church? Why wouldn't I go to church?
Aunt Lez and I were hoping that the missing of church will grow a longing in your heart.3 Sundays away from home and we miss you something Awful! God's worship misses you more!
I can really identify with the thought of not wanting to make such a big deal about church, when others aren't making such a big deal. Our season of not going to church was the few weeks after we were married. We just couldn't wake up on time. We made a date with Uncle T to meet him at church and woke up when he called us saying where are you? Sorry, friend, but thank you for prodding us to the importance of not idolizing eachother or our marriage above God's worship. We grew to love the presence of God, even more than our gift of eachother. Every time we prayed your father would beg God to be present in our worship time on Sunday. We had a joke about it. Uncle T would say, I don't care what day of the week it is, Ben is Praying for God to own our worship on Sunday. That was only a little joking. WE really were looking forward to what God was going to do in our souls, on His Day!
The late teens early twenties is a time of spiritual battle and struggle. You can go through it with your hand in God's hand or you can let God pick up the pieces of your life when you come to yourself. Either way, He will be glorified. I felt like at that age, I had no spiritual storage of grace. If I didn't make it to prayer meeting in the middle of the week I would shock myself at the stumbling of soul that would happen. Now it takes a couple of days more of missing the fellowship to shock myself at my drifting away from the great and gracious God or all mercy and grace. Why, o why would I drift from Him? Why, o why would I forget that He meets me and has come down from the Heavenly glories to condescend to my low estate? I don't know why I forget. I just know that He meets us wherever we are when we remember.Monday, September 1, 2014
When it was my sister...
I found her, enjoying herself at party. My older sister worrywart self was comforted to know that the Fordham Monster, was just a little partying.
Evvie's story is Facetime and texty elder sister monitoring. Where are you? What are you doing? What did you do yesterday?? etc... She survived the second Sunday and made it to church. I am extra delighted that there is a cousin involved in this generations story of overcoming the obstacles. Dad and Mom, older siblings smothering, younger siblings crying and missing and the motivation from the center of the family continues through to overcome! "In A Family Way!"Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Where is She? Obviously the angels touched us down from the ministry they did in us at the same time, your father and I.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
A Whole Closet all to yourself? What else could you want?
Friday, August 22, 2014
Trust in the Lord...As We Sail to Heaven's Shores
T-12hours to lift off. Time will tell if the questions were "legit" or not. You have every emotional and mental tool at your disposal for the growing up app on all of our computers. Is there an app for this part of the parenting process? There should be.ie. A how to pack for college app. How to think like a grown up app. etc. I am sure you will find it, or create it, if it isn't there.
There is no shortcuts for leaning on the Everlasting Arms. You have to find them, like your pillow, everyday. You have to know you need them to lean on them, in prayer and in meditation on the Master's great plan. His Arms as your pillow will support your every effort with divine assistance. Knowledge that we are sinners and fallible and in great need of the help of the Lord, everyday. I do thank Him for making you the dear girl that you have been and the wonderful woman you are becoming. I do want to see you soar and the soaring process means there must be some distance. Even that swallows and the starlings put some distance between themselves and the nearest air-swimmer. They are sometimes very high in the sky and sometimes very low to the ground. College is the distancing, before liftoff to an even greater sphere. It is not the sphere, yet, although it may be a very great useful place for you. Do all you can. See all you can. Help all you can. Grow all you can. Don't miss one opportunity that your conscience says yes to. And try not to jump into any mess that your conscience doesn't go for. But, if you do, know that you have an advocate with the Father. Jesus is the answer! Jesus is the WAY. Keep your eyes on Him and you will be just fine. We are still here for you. Always praying for your growth and safety and trying not to make a big deal of your challenges.Wednesday, August 20, 2014
We are at the dock and you are nearly setting sail. All of the clocks are set to count down for a blast off in 72 hours and counting.
Once upon a time, not really very long ago, far far away, you were sent to us and we are eternally grateful for the gift that you have become and were from the initial onset. It wasn't that we needed another girl or anything. That is the wonderful gift of being the fourth child. It was just the wonder of your individuality and skating into our lives at a settled season. We were neither wanting nor aggravated in your season. That was a small pocket of time that lasted for a very short time. There is never a want for complaining in any size family and we were given to our share of discontent, I must confess, to my shame. You were certainly not a part of our complaining. The girls were girls and that seems so very long ago that I have to stretch my mind to think of it. They always thought they were women, but they played girly things and sometimes you became a baby doll to them.
Enoch was a boy. So totally different from the girls, but a very boyish fellow. His boyness could have easily been swallowed up in their girly play. I was always trying to find a masculine character to insert into their girly game, here and there. Often it was the security guard or the safety inspector or some other rule enforcer. {It seems he's grown into those game roles, somewhat?}Well then there was Evvie. She was absolutely the most placid part of our lives in that season. Not a rabble rousing 4th child. Not an invisible baby. She and you seemed to fit perfectly into the puzzle. It was as though you had always been there. We had school in the basement and much ado was there about your participation in our school day from birth. What is 6 times 3, etc.? When the girls had trouble with their cyphering, I would tell them, Evvy was born knowing that fact. They knew this wasn't true. We did a lot of laughing and a lot of adventuring. Sands Point Museum and the surrounding park were often our distinct pleasure to invade and study and learn from. We went to the beach often and the close parks, nearly everyday, for sometime. My four dearlings of which you were the baby for a long time.Now we are 18. I do say we because I as Evvie's mother am 18. You are an eye-opening child for me. You are helping me see the me that I can be with a baby girl travelling far from me for a little while. I am looking forward to that aspect of growth for myself. I am looking forward to see how the skills of interpersonal interaction will help you in a broader sphere and how the broader sphere will impact you, as well. To me, you will always be the little lady on the bus with Rosa Parks, nursing her baby. I laughed that you seemed so connected to me in school as you were. We will survive this separation time. We will grow and we will get back together, Lord willing, with much to share about our adventures. I am grateful that you shared yourself and your struggles with me so much and often through the years and hope we never stop being the friends that we've become. I love you! MOM.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
I'll never forget the first smiting of that beauty to my eyes that was Lauren Bacall
I said to myself, if we could learn the power that she had, it would completely change the way we look at womanly wiles. We always think that less is more. She was powerful in the beauty of covering. There were scenes of uncovering, but herself covered and the focus on her eyes were a study, in themselves. I think she was blessed with Eve's eyes. Perfect! We all don't have those to work with, but perfect eyes doesn't have to mean wicked eyes. I love looking at the men who are hypnotized by her beauty on the screen, ie. Humphrey Bogart, William Powell,etc. They seemed to look into her to see what it was that they wanted to continue to see when looking at her. She was delightful to look at. We enjoyed 89 years of entertaining beauty from her great generosity to share it with us. I am thankful for the life study of learning to try to become beautiful that is my memory of Lauren Bacall.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
The spiritual growth associated with the last season of pregnancy
Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heartI don't think you know what impatience is, until you have an uncomfortable pregnancy prolonged beyond the due-date. The first doctor visit gives you a specific date and you start planning for that date, from day one. Each day that you go past that day is a waiting game. Sometimes you are distracted from the thought. But, usually, you want to see this new person in your life so badly, that each day seems an eternal distance from you and the new relationship you are anticipating to enjoy.
Finally, your heart gives way to trust God's providence as so many people who see you look like a balloon about to burst give you encouragements toward that thought and just at the time you accept the will of God, the baby is usually here and it is all over. Life with baby has begun.
Wow, He did strengthen my heart through that long waiting and uncomfortable time of life. I am now experientially in a new relationship with my baby and with my God, who has strengthened my heart to wait on Him and see Him give me grace and acceptance of His will. I have submitted to a providence that I didn't exactly like and I have seen an answer to prayer beyond what I could have anticipated. You simply cannot anticipate the amount of love God places in your heart for this little stranger, whom you have never met before. I know that I will love him/her. But, I never really know what a hugeness that God infuses in that love.
Can a woman forget her own son?All may change, but Jesus, never!God we pray for the women who are expecting that You will draw them near to You as they wait and may they know Your peace that passes understanding. Make their path straight in Your great providence and make them ready for the dearness of motherhood. I love you for letting us have such a privilege of learning to love, on this earth. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
If I could go back to the beginning right now...
I think that the first thing that I would do in my last week of my first pregnancy, would be to choose a scent for the house and laundry.I do love, now that the scent of "Gain" reminds me of my sister Jackie. She seems to have mastered the art of pressing her mark on the souls of the children through scents. Everybody in my family knows that Gain smells like Aunt Jackie's house. Always clean and always laundry done or getting done. I admire her in that.
I'm a first child, so my home smell is the smell of baby milk. I grew up with it as my most pungent remembrance and I grew my children with that as their primary home memory. It absolutely never occurred to me that I had a choice in that matter. I grew up with baby milk and I passed that along to my children. My third sister grew up with a mother who probably had developed a sense of aroma-therapeutic methods in her growth into nursing mastery.
I would go to the store in the last weeks of pregnancy and taste the scents and choose which of them, after the Woolite smell of early baby laundry. I am going to buy some Woolite today to reminisce about my baby-child scent remembrances that are now, only a faint memory, fleeting and going into "nearly forgotten". Uh-oh, it's gone...Friday, July 25, 2014
I don't know why you can't keep a vacuum? { I don't know why you can't keep a maid?"} Oh, you don't know, do you?
My vacuum remnants remind me of the many devices that are represented in the maids of our earlier generations. Except, that they don't relate to us, personally. They don't commiserate the lack of sensitivity that can be evident in a home.
I try to wet dry vac with a dirt devil to try to sterilize a huge mess from a bustling family, during this bustling season of our lives. I have the wreckage to show for my efforts. Maybe the mess is not worth the wreckage. I will need to purge my vacuum pile.Lord, help me not to complain about my lot in life. The invisible life of the cleaning crew. The uncomfortable life of the bearing one-another's burdens woman of the house. What did you do all day?
Michael W. Smith's 20 year concert, I am receiving from the Lord as a diamond ring of God's knowledge of my wounds. Thank you, Lord! I know that You love me through every minute. {to quote Mr. Day}Saturday, July 12, 2014
Praying in Tapestry, Feeling the Earth Move?
Thank you Carol King, for the preparation and transparency to prepare us for the reality of our feminine emotions that can and often do, unsettle us and knock us down under their wave. I fell on skates, last week and that was a close parallel to what happens when love or infatuation are at an initial phase. So many of us are completely unaware of the change in our lives.
I love that Carol put it into words. I feel.
All I do is feel, when I am in love. I am in tune with myself and myself is all that there is. We think it is the other person, but it is ourselves seeking satiation from this person. Maybe it is, but time and covenant will tell.
God has made us the weaker vessel and so we are feeling the earth move under our feet. We feel completely out of control with ourselves. Understanding and self control in the Holy Spirit are in order, but even with those constraints upon conscience and heart, we are women first. We live in a fallen world and we are our worst enemy in this matter.Some have put up walls of divide and stoicism. That may work and maybe those people weren't meant to be married in the first place. Those whose emotions and urges are unconstrained, much harm and difficulty can follow. Somewhere in between is the balance of human desire and the right use of it. Learning to wait and learning to pray.
Carol King taught us about ourselves to pray for ourselves and for our daughters, from the depth of her confessional. Truth and coming clean and teaching others to follow Jesus and then go about what God has for you to do.God ordained marriage as the right and safe outworking of those urges, for our benefit and enjoyment, in Him. We all stray and wobble. Lord, forgive us. God grant my daughters and grands and neices to see the truth of the confessions of the elders and grow to love Christ's institution of the marriage covenant and live in the light of New Testament gifts to our souls, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Will your heal crush the serpents in your life?
“I too am a man under authority.”The recognition of Christ’s authority over the wind and the waves, when God gives you personal authority in the family.
No, You will not be a cowboy, Mr. Day insisted.{chapter one LWF} Yes, you will eat that oatmeal, to another child, he insists. The father sees what is for the good of body and economy. Mother is more often aware about soul and emotion. What comforts the tender heart and body and what dries the tears. God said, if you make a vow, your father can disallow it in heaven. He knows that you are young and that you are not able to fulfill what you speak with your mouth. How many fathers take mention of what their children vow and even think? We have separated the family so that every man to himself is the mantra. Learning to grow together and not be those who hang ourselves individually. The establishment and growth of community from individuals and families is a mysterious happening.
The serpent slithers, often alone. The mother gathers her brood and does all to promote the unity of the seemingly ununifyable. Clarence Day expresses the differences between himself and his brothers their different bents, attitudes and ambitions. The only unity, it seemed was their mother.What happens when the moon turns to blood? {I think the reference is to when the mother has an option of abortion to deliberate, in her weakest state} In scriptural terms. Is there a unifying factor for the family if mother is not there to referee the wrestling match? I think not! The conflict between the serpent and the woman is significant in the spiritual battle. Will you stand against the serpent’s wiles in your home or let him reign?
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
ON the matter of whispers and gossip....
It is wonderful how the Royals bring out so much from the rest of us, when they are in the stands.
Who saw that Federer was playing clownily? He was obviously distracted. I had no idea.
He had no concentration at all except it be on the stands. But not the way the youngsters were… It was a sincere and new focus for the older champion. He was showing off in an infantile kind of way. It nearly seemed he’d been smitten by some bug of some sort.I would stay on the courts for ten hours had I the lady Katherine to entertain in this way, he seemed to say.
Is she not amazing in her way of commanding the best and the worst out of a jousting couple of swashbucklers? They both were falling all over themselves and getting up, all the more intent upon giving their very best show for the woman who has stricken us all with fondness for her royal appearances and youthful attendance to pomp and circumstance. Perhaps, her husband taught her the decorum of silence and perhaps her rearing was great and intense. Whatever the combination of charm and beauty and royal ability, I blame her for the great match at Wimbledon, the other day. Who knows?As Gidget’s grandmother said…”A real woman knows how to bring out the best in a man!”
Monday, June 16, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Nearly "Chowan-autical"!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The last two weeks or so of Senioritis!
We got the Seniors...(you know the rest, by know) Let's go Evvy, show us how!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
We've got the Seniors, On our side...
"So Stop, stop, look around, Come on Seniors, show us How!"
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thank you Clarence Day Jr. for using your {pen} sword for our profit.

What a harried morning to forget where I put my bankcard. I do declare, I took it from Enoch and thought I knew where I put it in my bag, but I really threw it in there. In a rush to get the coffee. Isn’t that always the way of rushing. I ordered, just as quickly, sure that I would be able to find the card, when I got to the window. I wasn’t finding it. Various and sundry attempts proved an embarrassing fate. I don’t even think I got a good look at him. My eyes were still sleepy, from not having my coffee and delightfully, a good 5 minutes or so into the interaction, he said kindly, I got it for you. I really didn’t understand the kindness that he had showered, as yet, because “I DIDN’T HAVE MY COFFEE!’
Did I say that I hadn’t had my coffee, yet? I asked his name. I know that boy, I thought when I came to myself after about the third sip of my delightful brew. {It is a shame my necessity of it in the morning} I reminded myself of Mrs. Day. Completely oblivious to financial dealings. That is never my reality. I am ever so conscious, though not always in control. I loved thinking of the loving manner that Clarence Day Jr. referred to his mother’s inferiority in these matters. It was loving, but directive. Women shouldn’t be allowed to be ignorant of finances.I hear Clarence Jr. saying in his building the next generation. I said to myself, what a beautiful answered prayer that we have a Janet Yellen to bless our country with the answer to the visionary expressive and loving direction of the Clarence Day Jrs. Who loved their wives and mommies enough to make a better world for them to live in. We still argue about those financial things, but it is from the light of mutual empowerment and not from the subjugation perspective.
What a grace!